Friday 22 January 2010


Renno Has sent me another map with a lot more information to accompany the previous map. It's probably best if I post it in his own words...

"I've added a scan with the names of the suburbs and (I always design it after drawing the map) the local bus routes. Make sure you don't say the names in English - the English pronounciation sounds very weird, everything in this map is Dutch.

It's a small town called Sliste, which is a small republic's capital city (like Slovenia, Cyprus etc.). It has 100.000 inhabitants, I guess.
It has two railways stations, which is of course not that handy, but I always draw maps with some history (in the early years every company had its own railway station).
Both are linked with eachother by a suburb connecting the eastern station, the main station and the airport. (The airport had had two runways, but for terminal expension, the abandond the shortest one and built there terminal D). A second suburb links the parking areas with the terminal.

Something about the suburbs:
-the downtown is almost car free, except for some bus lanes.
-in the southeastern of it there's a 'island' in the traffic: a car free zone surrounded by a main road... (Cittadel)
-the city has a lot of big buildings, so does every capital has, like ministries, offices...
-Slisteroever is a neighbourhood with bigger houses
-Fierloper, Sylte, Sterre, Vlierloo, Te Essen and Ruitenberg are new suburbs (literally translated: Proud lane, Sylte, Elder(berry) forest, At Essen and Rhombus hill).
-Besides Rivvel, where the vilas are on a hill, is situated the appartment-block neighbourhood 'Platteland' (country side, the Dutch word means literally 'flat land') referring to the hill...
Platteland has only appartments block, built after WWII when they needed new houses quickly.
-In the centre, in a river's swing, is a castle where the governance is.

The city has something of a Dutch town, with almost no hills - only two, with between a river (...).

How I make a map like this:
-Take a empty piece of paper and start drawing some blocks and figures
-Don't have any plan, just keep just the approximate shape of the city in mind:
-So you'll never know how your town will look like before it's finished!
-be patient: if you want to hurry everything - STOP! Perhaps you'll find some inspiration when you leave your map for a day."

There is an incredible amount of detail there, I find it fascinating how real the city is.
While Renno's maps are not strictly fantasy, they are excellent and I love all types of maps and city plans, so they deserve a home here!

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